Az esemény lezárult
- szept. 7-10, 2023Dátum
- Copacabana Beach,Rio de JaneiroHelyszín
- Teqball TourVerseny típus
- 2023. aug. 17.Regisztráció vége
- 2023. aug. 20.Lemondási határidő
- 100 USDLemondási díj
Day 1,2,3: Carioca Arena 1, Rio de Janeiro
Finals: Copacabana Beach, beachfront at Copacabana Palace Hotel
The official hotel partner of the event is the Mariott Courtyard & Residence Inn Barra da Tijuca, where you can book at a discounted rate by clicking on the link below:
Reservation link in Portugese: https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1684527208682&key=GRP
Reservation link in English: https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1684527770677&key=GRP
- Mixed Doubles team must consists of 1 male and 1 female athlete, Men's Doubles must consists of 2 male athletes, Women's Doubles must consists of 2 female athletes. ONE ATHLETE MAY COMPETE IN MAXIMUM 2 CATEGORIES.
- Entries are accepted only through the FITEQ registration system. Entries sent to the local organizers only will not be accepted.
- Deadline for final entries is 17th of August 2023, 23:59 Central European Time.
- Cancellation deadline is 20th of August 2023, 18:00 Event Local Time.
Cancellation must be sent to the FITEQ Competiton Team : [email protected]
After this deadline, the penalty for non show policy will apply and a cancellation fee of 100 USD will be charged for each athlete. Players will not be allowed to enter future FITEQ events if any cancellation fees remain outstanding.
- Players are obliged to upload their PPE (pre-participation evaluation) form to their FITEQ profile to validate their entries. Without validated forms the entry is invalid.
Download the PPE Form: HERE
Visa: Kindly note that it is necessary for each individual to handle their own visa application. We advise you to reach out to the consulate in your country for the necessary information. To obtain invitation letters, please get in touch with Dorian Danko via email at [email protected] . Prior to your departure for the competition, please take extra care when registering and making arrangements, ensuring that you possess all the required documents for entering the country. Please be aware that all costs associated with visas are the sole responsibility of the applicant.
All participants must have appropriate insurance coverage (e.g. medical, accident, travel). All costs incurred are borne by the participants.
Team Officials Accreditation:
Team Officials accreditation for the Teqball Tour - Rio de Janeiro event can be requested by contacting [email protected] with a subject line of "Team Official Accreditation-Rio de Janeiro". Please note that the deadline for submitting such requests is 16:00 CET on August 20th, 2023. Each CLUB can nominate up to 5 Team Officials.
Coach Accreditation:
Coach accreditation for the Teqball Tour - Rio de Janeiro event can be requested by clicking HERE . Please note that the deadline for submitting such requests is 16:00 CET on August 20th, 2023.
All costs incurred are borne by the participants. Booking non-refundable or non-changeable flights, accomodations before FITEQ confirms the participant's registration is not advised. FITEQ will not be responsible for the costs of such bookings or any related cancellation fees, costs or expenses.
If a Competition is cancelled as a result of Force Majeure, FITEQ declines all responsibility and shall owe no reimbursement to Player for costs incurred (e.g accommodations, tickets).
FITEQ reserves the right to amend the playing system at its own discretion, including the implementation of quota system (i.e. limiting the number of participants), if FITEQ considers that the competition can only be organized with a limited number of participants.
Based on World Ranking positions there might be direct seeds to the knock-out-stage.
Event Guide will be uploaded after the cancellation deadline to ensure that all participants have a final and accurate schedule of the event.
Por favor, note que esta competição (Teqball Tour - Rio de Janeiro) é um torneio aberto, porém, com limite máximo de 200 participantes. Com intuito de promover a igualdade de gênero entre os participantes, buscamos uma proporção mais equilibrada possível entre atletas das categorias feminina e masculina.
Gostaríamos de enfatizar que os jogadores que já possuem FITEQ World Ranking Points terão preferência durante o processo de seleção, caso necessário.
Dia 1,2,3: Arena Carioca 1, Rio de Janeiro
Finais no dia 4: Praia de Copacabana, à beira-mar em frente ao Copacabana Palace Hotel
O hotel parceiro oficial do evento é o Mariott Courtyard & Residence Inn Barra da Tijuca, onde você pode fazer sua reserva com desconto especial clicando no link abaixo:
- A equipe de Duplas Mistas deve ser composta por 1 atleta masculino e 1 feminino, Duplas Masculinas devem ser compostas por 2 atletas masculinos, Duplas Femininas devem ser compostas por 2 atletas femininas. UM ATLETA PODE COMPETIR EM NO MÁXIMO 2 CATEGORIAS. Idade mínima 14 anos.
- As inscrições são aceitas somente pelo sistema de cadastro da FITEQ. Não serão aceitas inscrições enviadas apenas aos organizadores locais.
- O prazo para inscrições finais é 17 de agosto de 2023, 23h59, horário da Europa Central.
- O prazo de cancelamento é 20 de agosto de 2023, 18h, horário local do evento.
O cancelamento deve ser enviado à Equipe de Competição da FITEQ:
Após este prazo, será aplicada a penalidade por não comparecimento e será cobrada uma taxa de cancelamento de 100 USD por atleta. Os jogadores não terão permissão para entrar em eventos FITEQ futuros se quaisquer taxas de cancelamento permanecerem pendentes.
- Os jogadores são obrigados a carregar o formulário PPE (avaliação pré-participação) em seu perfil FITEQ para validar suas inscrições. Sem formulários validados a inscrição é inválida.
Baixe o Formulário de incrição: